Perhaps the most high traffic room in the whole house, it doesn’t take long for your living room to become a disorganized clutter of papers and personal effects. With some simple steps and a little planning though, you can get it clean and under control in no time.The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.
First, start off by taking a moment to step back and visualize how you want the room itself to come together. It sounds a little obvious and simplistic, but having a set and solid plan of attack is really critical when trying to declutter a room. Is the bulk of your clutter junk mail? Kids toys? Misplaced remotes? Find your trouble areas and work outward from there.
Develop an incoming spot for papers. Divide all your mail into items requiring immediate action (things like bills) and items you can take your time with (things like coupons you want to clip or invitations you should reply to). If something comes into your house that doesn’t fit into one of those two categories, it goes straight in the recycling bin. While you’re at it, recycle any magazines that are more than a month old.
Do your kids leave their stuff absolutely everywhere? Does it drive you absolutely crazy? Consider a “junk basket” system”. Somewhere out of the way (but near the bottom of the stairs) give everyone in your family their own basket. As you find their things scattered about, just put them in there and make it their responsibility to take it upstairs.
Staying on top of living room clutter doesn’t have to be a chore! A few simple steps can keep your house feeling clean and organized!
Belmonte Builders built the first house in the Albany, N.Y. region to be certified Gold under the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for Homes program.