When you’re looking to change up a room, there’s really nothing as efficient as a new coat of paint. With just two days time, you can breathe new life into any room in your house. First and foremost, be sure to take the time to really prep your walls. Set aside day one to lay down your drop cloths and to sand and scrape any scuffs or drips off your walls. While you’re at it, be sure to fill any holes and to clean built up dust and grease with a gentle solution of soap and water. Amatuer painters will often tape every last line in the room, but this can actually lead to problems in and of itself when paint bleeds under the tape, or pulls up when you remove it. Whenever possible, use an angled brush for cutting along trim and corners and save the tape for really tough spots and protecting electrical outlets after you remove their covers. All this set up can feel a bit tedious, but it will make a huge difference in the finished product and will make the actual painting process a whole lot easier. When it comes to painting, be sure to keep moving. Get the paint on the walls, even it out where it’s heavy and move on. No coat is going to turn out perfect and it won’t take much time at all to sand it even later. Dip brushes only a third of the way into the paint and tap excess paint off on the side of the bucket (don’t wipe). Cut in 2 – 3 inches from all trim so your roller has some buffer room and doesn’t bump into any other surfaces. Be sure to load your brush from a clean bucket and never from the can, or you’ll risk contaminating the bucket with dust or dried paint. Wet your roller slightly before using it and be sure it is completely saturated with paint before putting it to the wall. Roll in a “W” or “M” shape to get all the paint on the walls, then use the excess to fill in between your lines. Be sure to keep a wet rag on hand for quick clean up of any drips or mistakes. Once you’re finished, wait a few hours for the paint to dry before applying a second coat. The longer you wait, the better the color will take, but latex based paint should be all set in 3 or 4 hours. Sand the wall to remove any unevenness and then wipe it down with a wet rag. Breathing new life into any space only takes a weekend! With a careful hand and a bit of prep, you can switch up any room in your house. – See more at: https://belmontebuilders.com/blog/how-paint-room/#sthash.mkpEXxUj.dpuf
Belmonte Builders built the first house in the Albany, N.Y. region to be certified Gold under the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for Homes program.